With all the turmoil occurring in the Democratic Republic of Congo, it is not farfetched to say that children as a whole are neglected. Education in the Congo is a problem that is continuously rising for children. As a result of financial deficits in the country and individual family’s, children are forced to be pulled from educational programs and forced to engage themselves in other work. According to an article, 150 million dollars are donated to education assistance, which is 5% of all aid attributed to the Congo. This breaks down to 2 dollars being issued to each individual student to help be sent to school. When compared to other countries, children in Afghan countries receive 19 dollars. This margin is drastic and aid to the Congo needs to be reevaluated.
In addition to fiscal problem in the Congo being the reason for children not attending school, Indigenous children are neglected and exiled from being taught. However, in recent years with the assistance of UNICEF and the Christian church, charities and fundraiser are being founded to help these exiled children receive the education they deserve. Christian missionaries come to the Congo and help teach these children and with help thirteen new churches have been established for these children.
The primary reason for education being so crucial to children is to help them become literate and especially keep them out of the turmoil occurring in the country around them. Being in school would provide a form of safety for the children and keep them preoccupied from the continuous war occurring in their own backyard. In my opinion if more children were enrolled in educational programs, they would be kept away from violence more than they are now. In addition to this I believe that the children would gain a basic education that will help them to become successful in life and lead to them to have an even brighter future then what is in store for them initially. Without an education one cannot go to far in life and having the basics down will provide a significant amount for the children of the Congo. The Congo need all the financial aid it can to put its children through school and it is up to people like us to make that difference and help out in any possible way
article used : http://www.theirc.org/news/primary-education-all-out-reach-congo%E2%80%99s-children-7381
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I believe that education is key if the Congo is going to pull itself out of the recent downward spiral it has been in. The children of the Congo need the skills to function and prosper as a community if the Congo is going to improve itself, which it must. Through the education of the children, the Congo can establish a government that works or at least set laws that will allow the citizens to live humanely and safely. I believe that as citizens of the world we must do all we can to not only help the uneducated children in the world, but anyone and everyone in the world who is oppressed and endangered. We may not be able to personally help these children, but we can help spread the word and donate to charities and organizations that help these people. My mom works for a non- profit organization called the Children Smile Foundation which is a small part of the New World Foundation. They organize fundraisers and help other charities in fighting causes such as these. Maybe one day black thunder can go down to Africa and teach these poor children some moral values and lessons we learned in World Religions. These kids need to be educated or the Congo will fall apart. The children are the future!
ReplyDeleteFil this may be the first post that I completely agree with you. Education is key in all aspects of life.Education will open doors of brilliant career opportunities for the Congolese. It fetches better prospects in career and growth. Education is essential as it paves the path leading to disillusionment. It will help create a clear picture of everything for those in the Congo and they will not remain in confusion about aspects of life. Education can lead those suffering to enlightenment. It is education that builds in every individual, a confidence to take decisions, to face life and to accept successes and failures. It instills a sense of pride about the knowledge one has and prepares him/her for life. Through the support of education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, UNICEF not only be saving individuals, but also saving a nation. A country filled with intellectuals can be sure to prosper. I hope that education can bring the Congo stability.
ReplyDeleteI agree with all three of you. The Democratic Republic of Congo desperately needs a better school system to keep its kids busy. One can relate the need for education to the gangs in Los Angeles. The kids in these gangs do not feel like they need school because their lives are filled with the family environment of their particular gangs. As a result, many skip school and rarely attend college. Little do they know, they are settling for the less fulfilling life. They are admitting that school is too difficult for them and they would rather take the easy way out. A good outcome of an improved education system could be to isolate the current generation from the violence by keeping them interested in learning so that when they rule the country, they would know nothing of said violence.
Surprisingly, I also agree with all of you. The people of the DRC must invest in the education of the children to achieve a better future for the country. Being the next generation, they must be ready to accept the responsibility of taking care of the country when they get older. More Congolese children should be put into schools instead of armies. More Congolese children should hold pencils and textbooks instead of guns. More Congolese children should be surrounded with love rather than war.
ReplyDeleteI'm shocked at the amount of financial aid that is given to the DRC for educational purposes. This number should be much higher than it currently is. Personally, I agree with Fil. As citizens of the world, we should help each other, regardless of social status or ethnicity. An improved educational system in the DRC could bring about a countless number of benefits for the country as a whole.